Lodge member charity walkers raise £2,900 for Combat Stress
Posted On 21 Nov, 2018
Our intrepid lodge member charity walkers raised a total of £2,900.00 for their latest recipient Combat Stress. They are seen here handing a cheque for the monies raised to the charity. Well done lads – now on to the next one.
The City of London Rifles Lodge No. 5606 has been proudly awarded a 'Foundation Lodge' status of the Metropolitan Masonic Charity 2010 -2014.
Find out more about the charity work we do to support Masonic and non-masonic charities.
All Freemasons in good standing under the UGLE are always welcome at City of London Lodge meetings. Please contact us for both Lodge meeting attendance and general enquiries.
Famous Freemasons of the past
Peter Sellers
Actor and Comedian. Initiated into the Chelsea Lodge 3098.